According to a new report made by Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), the geothermal energy is growing rapidly worldwide. Between 2005 and 2010, the U.S. maintained its leading position in production, with the most MW installed, while Germany had the fastest growth.
According to the report, countries with the largest increase of installed capacity (MW) between 2005 and 2010 were: (1) USA – 530 MW (2) Indonesia – 400 MW (3) Iceland – 373 MW (4 ) New Zealand – 193 MW, and (5) Turkey 0 62 MW.
In terms of percentage growth, the top five countries were: (1) Germany – 2.774% (2) Papua New Guinea – 833% (3) Australia – 633% (4) Turkey – 308%, and ( 5) Iceland – 184%.
Although there was a global increase of 20% of the geothermal energy between 2005 and 2010, now about 70 nations have projects under development. 10 European countries were listed as having developed geothermal projects in 2007, but in 2010 their number reached 24.