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WindCharger : Sauer Energy's Cheap Vertical-Axis Turbine For Small Buildings To Be Launched


Sauer Energy, a company that has recently entered the small wind turbines market, is planning to launch its new WindCharger vertical-axis wind turbine in November.

The WindCharger prototype has also been presented in May at the WindPower 2011 Conference and Exhibition, North America’s largest wind energy industry trade show.

“We are committed to deliver this revolutionary system to the homeowner and small building owner, which will lower their ever growing cost of energy. Furthermore, making the WindCharger available to the public is an achievement we are all proud of. This accomplishment supports the goal we have planned for from the outset and is on schedule to be delivered in early 2012,” declared Dieter Sauer, President and CEO of Sauer Energy, Inc.

According to the company, the vertical axis wind turbine can be installed by a single worker, having few moving parts and its manufacturing price low.

The three-blade turbine is made from plastic, resin and UV-protecting lightweight composite. Also, it is expected to have a lifetime of about 20 years.

Unlike similarly-sized traditional horizontal-blade turbines, the WindCharger is able to produce energy at wind velocities that are as low as 5 mph.

Furthermore, the WindCharger has the possibility to capture winds blowing in any direction. Other advantages of the WindCharger include a relatively low impact on bird populations and quiet operation. With this product, Sauer hopes to become a leader in the vertical-axis industry.

[via EarthTechling/MarketWire]

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  1. Sauer Energy claims their turbine will extract 1500 watts of power from a 11.1 m/s wind, with only 1.68 sq. m. of area. That is more power than is found in a wind of that speed.

    power in the wind = 0.5 x density of air x swept area x velocity cubed

    P = 0.5 x 1.23 x 1.68 x (11.1 x 11.1 x 11.1)

    P = 1413 watts of power in the wind

    However, they list air density at 2.2 instead of 1.2. Using that error in the formula:

    P = 2527 watts of power in the wind (erroneous calculation)

    Then, if we make the unreasonable assumption that the turbine extracts power at the Betz limit of 59.3%, the power extracted would be 1500 watts.


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