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Romanian TV Station Reports Invention of Vinegar Powered Car


vinegar-carI have heard about cars running on electricity, on biofuels, and other kinky stuff, but this one surpasses them all. Two brothers, Petru and Gheorghe Bordeianu, from Bacau, Romania, have invented an engine that runs totally on a combination of vinegar, water and a certain “soft drink”.

They even set up a demonstration to show their Daewoo Cielo going. It only needs a drop of gasoline to start it, and then it runs totally independent of any petrol fuel.

The car doesn’t pollute the atmosphere, they say. The whole invention is now kept in secret, but the Bordeianu brothers have been working at this project since the 1980’s. From a television interview, it results that their car works on hydrogen, being fueled by a form of hydrogen on demand system, catalyzed by the vinegar and the soft drink. Yes, hydrogen can be extracted more easily by using vinegar, as this 2007 discovery reveals.

The brothers say they will patent their invention in Graz, Austria, this summer. They even have a series model in plan, but the lack of money keeps their dream pretty far away, at least for the moment.

For whoever understands romanian, here’s the ProTV video showing the car running. The words are not important, what is truly amazing is the principle:

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  1. Pt. cei care doresc sa ajute la dezvoltarea proiectului, sa faca o donatie, sa transmita o vorba buna, o pot face la aceasta adresa de email intrand in contact cu inv. Gheorghe Bordeianu : [email protected] Va multumim.
    For those who want to help develop the project, make a donation to send a good word,  can do at this email, comes into contact with inv George Bordeianu: [email protected] 
    Thank you.


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