Vestas, one of the global leaders in wind technology, has recently announced that it will collaborate with WindPlus (a joint venture led by EDP Group) to deploy a unique offshore wind turbine, which is so special because uses a first-of-its-kind floating platform technology.
The V80-2.0 MW wind turbine will be located off the Portuguese coast and is expected to be finished by the end of this year.
The WindFloat platform is able to decrease wave and wind-induced motion and so the turbines can be placed at depths of over 164 feet (50 meters), where winds blow harder.
If the new project will be a success, it could be implemented in future offshore projects worldwide, especially in places where the winds are more potent.
“EDP has selected offshore wind energy as one of its five innovation priorities and the WindFloat is one of the most promising technologies in this area. Pending results of this key demonstration stage, EDP will be better positioned to tackle offshore wind challenges worldwide,” said Anti³nio Mexia, CEO of EDP.
[via Inhabitat/Cleantechnica]
Hey then we can’t count the amount of birds killed. Oh I forgot we don’t really want to know about that. Just because so called “green technolgy” kills over 400x as many birds per “kill”-owat- that “dirty” oil that doesn’t really matter.
Please support your statement with real facts, not just exaggerated claims. Oil and pollution have to come to an end, the oil’s effects on our lives is already visible and you just can’t pretend they don’t exist and everything is just fraud.