The Vatican City has decided to line up with the other countries in their efforts to meet the electricity demands with minimum impact on the environment. In this regard, the small sovereign state (with a population of just over 800) focused on solar energy sources and completed the installation of giant solar power panels, the Vatican’s official newspaper announced on Tuesday.
Osservatore Romano stated that “The Vatican has reached a small record in solar energy power production per capita: 200 watts at peak times… per inhabitant, compared to 80 in Germany, the world leader in this field.”
The source also added that the solar panels installed on the rooftop of Paul VI’s conference hall two years ago had saved the Vatican the equivalent of 89.84 tons of oil. The Italian media has given Pope Benedict XVI the “green pope” title for his emphasis on the environmental protection awareness.
Moreover, to improve their green image, the Vatican officials are taking the environmentally-friendly tag a step further by considering an electric vehicle powered by solar panels to substitute for the iconic motor vehicle used by the Pope during outdoor public appearances.