Japan’s earthquake still has some effects on the global car industry. Toyota, for example, has issued a message to all of its U.S. subsidies so that they prepare for a possible temporary shutdown due to the impossibility of sending parts from Japan. The information had been released by Toyota spokesman Mike Goss.
About 25,000 manufacturing and R&D workers will be involved in this measure in the U.S. and Canada. Being known for the care it treats its employees with, Toyota will help them find other working places during the shutdown.
The issue comes not only from Toyota’s own problems, but also from their suppliers who are not able to restore their working state so quickly after the Japan disaster. “They did resume parts production for overseas and for replacement parts,” Goss said, “but that was just the suppliers that were capable of doing it.”
“We’re not talking about just a few companies,” he said.
According to Edmunds.com’s Michelle Krebs, all of the automakers are actually affected, not only Toyota. Still, this is the only company admitting it may stop production in case of a parts crisis.
[via CNN Money]