The City of Toronto brought into the spotlight the latest addition to its green fleet of waste and recycling collecting service. The new garbage truck can run on converted biogas obtained from the picked up organic material waste.
The new model reveals the city’s determined step toward reduction of fuel consumption, protection of air quality and health.
The city’s Fleet Services director, Gerry Pietschmann, stated “It is important to the City to pilot test vehicles with alternative fuel technologies before making a long-term commitment [ – ].
The natural gas engine will allow the City to realize improved fuel efficiency and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. We consider these important factors when making additions to our fleet.”
Speaking of the engine, the “green bin” collector is equipped with a Cummins Westport ISL G engine which runs on compressed natural gas, is fuel efficient and can fulfill the new 2010 emission standards without the need for the complex emission-control technology (such as diesel particulate filters and selective catalytic reduction) that is required for diesel trucks. The ISL G engine is based on an exhaust gas re-circulation system and uses three-way catalyst to achieve the required emission reductions.
The city of Toronto is searching new ways to use its collected organic materials more efficiently, thus providing a constant fuel supply for this new garbage truck and others like it that may be added to the city’s group of vehicles in the future.
Introducing green medium- and heavy-duty trucks such as the natural gas collection truck is a priority for Toronto, as asserted in the Green Fleet Plan 2008-2011. The goal of the Green Fleet Plan is to cut down on fuel consumption and costs, on emissions of greenhouse gases and smog pollutants.