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Top 5 Super Green Technologies at Consumer Electronics Show 2015


Z1GIZZ06FConsumer Electronics Show (CES) 2015 held this week in Las Vegas has provided a platform for numerous emerging inventors and established technology makers to showcase the latest green breakthroughs and innovative ideas. As it is every year, the annual event is seen as the place where the technologies of the future are introduced to the business field.

CES is a very unique event, which is closed to the general public, taking a gamble with the media, yet every year managing to attract the crème de la crème of the tech society. From promising start-ups to influential tech giants, everyone was there presenting the latest trends and gadgets of the future.

Of course, among all wearable technologies, fancy gadgets and super high-tech robots, it was impossible not to find the coolest green techs. In fact, they were quite a number, but here is a selected top 5 of what has potential to hit the market the soonest.


1. Storedot’s super fast battery charger.

The guys from Storedot, who just recently turned some heads around with their battery that charges in 30 seconds, have managed yet again to create something that can only be described as high-tech miracle. A battery charger, which can bring up a smartphone battery from empty to full capacity 100 times faster than any other existing technology.

Unlike the previous invention by the company, which was relatively bulky and not very appealing, this time around the technology is ready for real-world use.


2. Rollkers, electric roller skates.

Don’t we all love these airport travelators (the “you are approaching the end of the conveyor” moving path-like ones)? Walking on them feels like flying. This is the exact feeling that the Rollkers aim to give. They resemble roller skates, come with a little electric motor, and should be ready to hit the market in not more than two years.

Maybe this is the trade-off technology that people need. It is not a bicycle or roller skates that make you all sweaty by the time you reach work, but it is much faster than walking. Suddenly many might run out of excuses not to start adopting a healthier lifestyle.

World-first technology by Volvo and POC connects cycle helmets with cars

3.  Volvo’s warning helmet for cyclists.

Another showstopping technology comes from the famous auto-makers Volvo, who have decided to help cyclist be more visible on the road and prevent green-transport related accidents. The helmet is designed so that it sends a signal to the driver, when he is too close to a cyclist, and at the same time lets the cyclist know that they are not visible to the driver. As any of the similar technologies, this one also works with a smartphone app, which also provides information on location and speed of the biker.

Considering that, firstly, more and more people are leaving the cars behind and jumping on the green two wheelers, and secondly, the number of super-quiet EVs on the road raises rapidly, the technology from Volvo might just be what was needed to cut down the number of accidents.


4. UAVs that steal the show despite their short battery life.

Drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), seem to be stealing the show. The makers seem to be addressing one of the two major issues associated with these flying gadgets, and this is the battery life. The competition on the market is quite big, with one company in particular claiming to have achieved a flight time of 50 minutes (when the average with a conventional battery is not more than 20 minutes).

Now, something to keep in mind is that the battery is not the only limitation of this tech. Although using drones can be extremely useful in many fields, especially when it comes to providing post-disaster help or disaster management, these are still illegal to fly in many parts of the world. The regulations are very strict and apply to commercial use, and address concerns over safety and privacy.


5. Stack’s energy efficient light bulbs together with Nest.

Last but not least, the big hype around ‘smart homes‘ is just as pronounced as that around the drones. Many critics say that a great deal of these gadgets are just ‘gimmick’ and do not add much value, but the makers definitely think and try to prove otherwise.

Along with the known names Google’s Nest and Apple’s HomeKit, tech makers like Whirlpool and Stack are being under the spot light. Stack in particular is showing everyone that energy efficiency is the main aim of their technology, and their motion sensing light bulbs that work in combination with Nest, are just going to prove it.

Images (c) BBC/Getty

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