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The City of Shenzhen Tackles Environmental Problems By Building Self-Sustained Farmscrapers


ku-xlargeThe city of Shenzhen, China, has found a solution to tackle raising CO2 emissions, increasing population and urban sprawl. The city officials announced that the French firm- Vincent Callebaut Architects is commissioned to conduct the so-called Shenzhen Asian Cairn Farmscraper project, which is expected to provide a sustainable solution to the pressing environmental problems of the expanding metropolis.

The firm is planning to construct six mix-used towers. The buildings look like a pile of rocks and will provide enough space for residents, offices, shops, recreation and above all- their own food. In addition, the buildings will be equipped with open-air epidermis of photovoltaic and photo thermal solar cells, as well as a huge array of wind turbines on the top of the zenthal roofs. Waste water will be recycled through basins of viticulture and lagoons of photo-puration.

The farmscrapers will have interlacing eco-spirals made of ‘pebbles’. According to the architects, the buildings will be multifunctional and environmentally friendly at the same time.

The project has a number of aims. The most important ones include: first, to reduce carbon footprint, by using renewable energy sources, making space for food production and reducing the use of transportation. Second, to boost local employment in primary and secondary sectors. Third, to provide recycling facilities for liquid and solid waste.

In addition, the architects are convinced that the buildings will help in reducing deforestation, desertification and pollution. They will contribute to better air quality and boost agricultural production. The buildings will save water through recycling and they will protect the biodiversity in the hearth of the city. The use of pesticides and fossil fuels in agricultural practices will also be reduced.

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