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Tesla Software Update Version 9.0 Adds New Autopilot Features and Easter Eggs


Tesla Software Update Version 9.0Tesla is revealing more information regarding its major software update “version 9.0“, which will release this month or at the beginning of September. This time, Elon Musk tweeted that there will be a lot of new “Easter Eggs” in Tesla infotainment systems. The company is known for putting them in the previous version and masses like it.

Elon Musk wrote a tweet that all of Tesla vehicles (with the exception of old roadster) will have a few fully-functioning classic Atari games included. Right now, according to the CEO’s tweets, we can expect Pole Position, Missile Command, and Tempest. Additionally, Musk has an idea to make Pole Position playable using the steering wheel (obviously while the car is not moving). According to some rumors, we might see Ms. Pac-Man in the next version of software, too.

More serious parts of the update will be the major improvement of the Autopilot system. It will be Tesla’s second version of Autopilot with the first “full self-driving features” enabled.  However, it doesn’t mean that your Tesla will be able to drive itself. This time, Elon Musk said that Tesla had mostly been focused on safety when it comes to Autopilot development.

The last much-anticipated feature is “On-Ramp to Off-ramp” feature. The automaker describes the feature on its website:

“Once on the freeway, your Tesla will determine which lane you need to be in and when. In addition to ensuring you reach your intended exit, Autopilot will watch for opportunities to move to a faster lane when you’re caught behind slower traffic. When you reach your exit, your Tesla will depart the freeway, slow down and transition control back to you.”

Another new feature that will come with a version 9.0 of software is “party & camper mode”. In this mode, your car will be able to maintain air flow, temperature, selective lights, music, and power for 48 hours or more while parked.

Yesterday, Musk announced that Tesla plans on launching software version 9.0 in ‘4 weeks’. During the earnings conference call that followed his announcement, he actually clarified that the Tesla owners in the early access program, who test beta versions of the new software releases, will have the update in about 4 weeks. The rest of the users will probably have access next month or later.

[Via Autoblog]

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