The first lucky customers of Tesla’s Powerwall are most likely going to be the residents of Vermont.
Everyone is eagerly anticipating the energy storage device from the green power house of Tesla. The demand is incredibly high, and everything is already sold out until the middle of next year. But thanks to the utility company Green Mountain Power (GMP), the citizens of Vermont will be the first to get their hands on Powerwall.
An announcement came earlier this month, when the guys from GMP told the world that they have brought Powerwall within reach of people of Vermont. In the company’s statement, the CEO Mary Powell proudly says that this is one of the most important steps towards cutting-edge innovative energy storage, which will transform the 100-year-old grid system.
And if this news was not hot enough, there is more. Customers will be presented with a choice of a purchasing plan. If someone is willing to share the energy storage capacity of the unit, they might actually get paid for it.
Here is how it is going to work. There will be three options.
The first option is to pay $37.50 per month, and get the Powerwall unit without any upfront costs (this is about $1.25 per day). If the customer is not interested in a lease, then they can purchase the whole unit for $6500, and for every month they share the unit capacity, they get $31.76 credit on their monthly bill. This is roughly how much the utility company will pay for using the units during peak hours. Of course, the third option is to just buy the unit and enjoy its full capacity at home, again for $6500, but then you miss on the extra cash.
This incredible opportunity, which will allow homeowners to finally have that ever-so-needed place to store their excess rooftop generated solar power, is of course of limited edition.
Starting this coming January, GMP expects to deliver only about 500 units in total to Vermonters. What is more, only 10 lucky customers will get the chance to take part in the initial pilot program, which will help the company establish whether the idea is financially sound.
Image (c) Tesla Powerwall