If you’ve been secretly admiring the Tesla Model X lately, then you will surely want to watch this. It’s one of the best and fairest reviews made by anyone I know in recent history.
EverydayDriver made a review that’s balanced, has common sense and, unlike Top Gear-like movies, isn’t focused on super-mega-extravagant gas guzzling pieces of metal and what the Stig can do with them, but more towards the everyday driving experience the Tesla Model X can offer.
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Apparently you don’t know the meaning of objective. It is largely Tesla marketing-speak. “You don’t even have to drive it.” Really? Well, if you like fatal accidents and refuse to follow the safety requirements that even Musk admits are a requirement for Autopilot.
If this is “objective”, then thank goodness for Consumer Reports vs. Daily Driver.
I’ve seen this video and didn’t find it that objective at all. there is a lot missing from that review to fairly cover this car and let us make an informed decision.