Here in the US, there are a couple of different ways to get your electric vehicle [EV] charged. The standard LI 120V charger typically takes up to eight hours to fully charge your vehicle. The LII 240V charger is a little faster, up to four hours charge time, depending on your model.
LIII 480V chargers are in the realm of fast chargers, or according to Tesla Motors, SuperChargers. The SAE J1772 fast charging standard, accepted by most manufacturers in the US, including Toyota, Mitsubishi, and Nissan, among others, has been eschewed by Tesla Motors in favor of its own SuperCharger standard.
Tesla Model S is an exclusive item, and the growing network of Tesla SuperChargers isn’t compatible with anything else, so don’t expect a long line at the nearest SuperCharger. In Japan, however, things are different, and this time, Tesla isn’t fighting the system.
Japan’s CHAdeMO fast charging standard is already well-established, almost 1,900 strong, and if Tesla is going to make a dent in the Japanese EV market, it is finding it easier to adapt than to rebuild.
To that end, Tesla Motors is developing a CHAdeMO-to-Model S adapter to enable new Tesla Model S owners, to begin later this year, to charge their Model S at any of Japan’s CAHdeMO fast charging stations in the country.
Here in the US, Tesla Motors is sticking to its SuperChargers, and isn’t planning on developing a J1772-DC-to-Model S adapter* any time soon. If Tesla Motors wants to make Model S fast charging more accessible here in the US, perhaps they will consider making adapters for the SAE J1772 DC Charging Stations.
*I wasn’t clear on the J1772 Adapter and the Tesla Model S. There are two J1772 Configurations, AC and DC. AC Charging on J1772 is limited to 19.2kW and DC Charging is limited to 40kW and 100kW. At the moment, there is no adapter for the Tesla Model S that is compatible with the DC configuration of the J1772 charger.
SunnyGuy53 Yes. 90kW, not 90 amps. Thank you for the correction.
The Tesla Level 3 Supercharger puts out 238 amps at 368 volts. That is a measurement I made while charging my 85 kWh Model S recently in Normal, IL, home of the first 4 Superchargers in the Midwest.
It’s about a 90 kW DC source; perhaps that is what you meant.
Mark S.
kjennerator that is why i posted the video…To show that it does come with one. Thank you for the input though!
kjennerator updated the posting
Tesla does too offer an adapter for SAE J1772.
paulwilson05 check out kjenneratorposted a video showing the adapter in use. Also, I updated the posting to clarify things. the adapter in question is the SAE 1772 DC Level 2 Charger, which is equivalent to the Tesla Model S Supercharger electrically, but not physically. http://www.sae.org/misc/pdfs/chargingtable10-3-2012.pdf shows the DC Charger on the right side, for which currently there is no Tesla Model S Adapter.
sorry for the confusion
Tesla’s Superchargers are the fastest chargers actually in use putting out 90 amps. Having CHAdeMO compatibility will be important because the CHAdeMO charger can be modified to put out as much as 200A, as can the Tesla charger. The CHAdeMO fast charger network is much larger than Tesla’s; But because they only cost about $40,000, Tesla can rapidly expand their Supercharger network as demand increases.
@TecnamTwin Much easier to adapt to an existing network than roll out a whole new one!
@bnjroo @TecnamTwin True, but it also helps if you have your own as well. Tesla Superchargers are attractive pieces of hardware vs. most other EV chargers. Developing the compatibility with the CHAdeMO in the U.S. should be prioritized though because of their existing extensive network.
Tesla’s Superchargers puts out more than double the amperage of the Chademo “fast charger”. That is why they are endeavoring to raise the standard. A Nissan Leaf with a Chademo fast charger does not have the range capabilities of a Tesla Model S with growing Supercharger network.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FAQRmNujUs An example of J1772 charging with a Tesla Model S.
the car comes with a j1772 adapter…
@kjennerator Thank you for the reminder. Sorry, I got my protocols mixed up. Yes, there is a J1772 Adapter, but it’s only compatible up to L2:240V/80A. Currently, the only L3:480V/100kW chargers that Tesla Model S can use are Tesla’s own SuperChargers.