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Tesla Gigafactory’s Solar Roof Will Be the Largest of Its Kind


It is often said in Asian philosophy that at the center of darkness, there is light. Elon Musk very well may be that light.

It is hard to imagine a culture that is more wasteful than the consumer culture in the United States.

Somehow from within that culture, Mr. Musk emerged a very successful innovator.

The solar power system that is being built onto the roof of the Tesla Gigafactory 1 is going to be the largest installation of solar power production in the world.

It will produce around 70 megawatts, and be seven times larger than any other solar facility that exists.

Well that is pretty cool, no?

But it is more than a solar power system, it is a masterful demonstration of system integration.

Not only will the roof produce enough power to make the factory free from direct use of fossil fuels, but it is also a water collection system.

The excess power will be stored in their own Powerpack batteries, and to top it all of, Tesla may very well be making the solar panels.

This is the future

Tesla, and Elon Musk, are making the kind of moves that show the world that not only can a company make in incredible product, but they can do it and balance the needs of commercial production with environmental stewardship.

This is exactly the kind of thinking that can lead the world’s development forward in the 21st century.

We all want to stop ravaging the environment, but we have to balance that desire with the need for us to continue to develop the technologies that allow our modern lives to exist.

No one is going to ride a horse to work at the wooden barrel factory in 2020.

Tesla is showing us how we can move forward, and do it responsibly.

Bravo Mr. Musk, and please keep it up.

[via autoblog]

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  1. I think it’s about time govements and business from around the world should come together to solve some of the big issues that are facing humanity and the environment today.
    In a lot of cases business can make more of an impact on any future than any government could do. Business like Tesla, apple, goggel, bosh, Microsoft, Dyson, Amazon, Samson, shell, bp, etc have already proving this.
    We should be looking at people Elon musk, James Dyson, Bill Gates, Richard Branson and others that have proving they can develop ideals and bring to mass market they should lead us to a better future and our governments should fully support people like them throughout the would.
    If change is badly needed in any area weather it be power generation, environment, health, etc then it should encouraged funded and supported by all governments around the would. The more we encourage ideals the morel likely we could solve any problem.
    Yes there maybe some big losers and a lot of pain to be had in the likes of the oil, coal, gas power company’s etc that are what I would call the dinosaurs of the last century.
    If we do not make these hard decisions now it will only slow down the pace of technology that could bring about greater changes.
    This could spell a better future for both humanity and the environment.


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