Last week, Los Angeles was the host of the annual Plug-in Day, which attracted more than 200 owners to sign up for the occasion. Market leading vendors provided vehicles for test drives and chargers, which could make the event as exciting as it was.
A Tesla Roadster was among the EVs available for a ride. It was generously provided by Linda Nicholes, the co-founder of Plug-In America. She even donated her old Tesla to the event. But this was not the only vehicle that occupied the visitors attention. The Team Marine of Santa Monica School brought along their own electrified VW Beetle. Under the supervision of Reverend Gadget, Elton Musk’s helper in the design of the Burning Man, the guys from Santa Monica created a truly remarkable prototype.
The corporate giants were represented by Nissan, Fiat and Ford, providing the electric four wheel test rides, while Brammo and Zero brought the electric motorcycles. Even the electric bicycles had their representative in the face of Pedago, who did not leave unnoticed.
The event even had its own broadcast abroad for a first year round. An internet connection was established with Amsterdam via skype, so that Plug-In Day could be handed off officially to Los Angeles.
Numerous talks were held throughout the day, among the most exciting of which were given by Bonnie Lowenthal, State Assembly member explaining about the benefits of owning an electric car and what future awaits, and the remarkable Team Marine, who gave their views on automated and EVs.
Plug-In day was a huge success. The visitors took away with them great memories and had numerous objects to photograph. If you missed it and you want to be part of it, you can see more pictures and videos here.