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7 New Sustainable Designs from London Design Festival

Leather replacement Piñatex.

The latest, most innovative designs were on display at the recent London Design Festival.

The SustainRCA exhibition featured several advances in materials and devices that will soon be changing the world into a better place from some of the most creative students at the Royal College of Art. Check out some of the most sustainable designs below below:

1. The AwiaHene (Sun King)

Artist Nana Asafua Dawson created a solar-powered machine for casting metal. It’s also a cheaper alternative to what’s currently available on the market.

2. Piñatex

This textile, designed to be a more sustainable alternative to leather and is made from leaf fibers that are a by-product of harvesting pineapples. Piñatex was masterminded by Carmen Hijosa and made in the Philippines after 5 years of research.

3. Jellyfish Leather

Another replacement for leather, this organic, transluscent, biodegradable textile is just as flexible and tough as cow hide. The designer, Yurii Kasao, had the overabundance of jellyfish in mine when she worked on this design.

4. Nanocellulose Fiberboard

YunTing Lin made the fiberboard from plant fibers cemented together with fermented cellulose.

5. Moya

This cool system generates electricity with sheets of plastics that have wave-like filaments. The material can also harvest a little bit of energy. The material is also low-cost and was designed by Charlotte Slingsby.

6. Metablaze

The Metablaze will help people in the future search for valuables in the trash we left behind. The machine collects valuable resources through waste incineration and was designed by Ellie Banwell, who is also a scientist.

7. MonoFrame Glasses

Even little everyday things require a variety of manufacturing processes and materials. That’s why the MonoFrame Glasses are so great. They are made from a single piece of wire made using bending technology. MonoFrame Glasses were designed by Parsha Gerayesh.

Inhabitat’s Ana Lisa Alperovich reported from SustainRCA, where you can find even more cool projects and pictures from the festival.

Image (C) Ananas Anam


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