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Subaru Marks a Decade of Zero-Landfill Waste Disposal


SIA_pond.jpg.662x0_q70_crop-scaleSubaru is the first car manufacturer worldwide, who can proudly announce that they have been running a zero-landfill production plants for over a decade.

When talking about eco-friendly vehicles, many people immediately assume that these should be all electric, a hybrid, or something from the future like a car powered by hydrogen fuel cells or compressed air. However, this should not be the only case, and Subaru, one of the lead car manufacturers, has been proving it to everyone for more than a decade now. Here is how.

Subaru is probably one of the few car manufacturers, who are not trying to compete on the electric vehicle market, but this does not mean that they have not committed to protecting the environment. On the contrary, these guys are probably one of the first to not only make sustainability plans, but also implement them.

Since 2004, the manufacturing process of the company’s plat in Indiana, has not sent a single piece of waste to a landfill. Everything is recycled, reused, or turned into electricity, making the facility the first in the U.S. to receive a zero-landfill status.

Brilliant implementation of policies, and strictly following the carefully laid out sustainability plans are undoubtedly among the factors that contributed to achieving the goal, but these are not all. Big part of company’s success is thanks to all employees, not only the managers, who have always been given the chance to speak out their ideas and solutions.

The guys at Subaru believe that every company should realize that reducing waste is not only great for the environment, but brilliant for business too. They calculated that annually the company makes an additional $4 million, only because they maintain their technology and continue implementing their zero-landfill program.

Although they do not believe that there is one single winning combination, they are offering free help and happily teaching other companies how to get their business the zero-landfill status too. All it takes is to get in touch with the Manager of Safety and Environmental Compliance of the facility- Denise Coogan.

Image (c) Subaru

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