According to industry experts, wind farms in Spain have over the last three months generated more electric power than any other source of energy. Grid company Red Electrica de Espana’s data shows that electrical capacity of more than six terawatt hours was generated by wind farms in January alone.
Spain’s Wind Energy Association announced this in a statement saying that wind energy has been at the forefront of electricity production from November 1, with the last time an energy source topped the six terawatt hour mark coming as far back as 2010, for combined-cycle gas turbines.
These figures represent about 25% of Spain’s electricity production, ahead of coal power and nuclear energy. This is good news, as Spain was planning to increase wind energy capacity in a bid to reduce carbon emissions.
The announcement also follows a German pronouncement by their wind energy association BWE that an estimated 3 to 3.5 GW capacity is expected to be added in 2013, more than 2012’s 2.4 GW. The increase is expected to be accounted for by new installations of offshore wind farms. This means the country is on course to reach its aim of producing 40% of electrical power from renewable sources by 2020.