An Italian company plans to install the world’s biggest rooftop solar photovoltaic plant with a Padua warehouse and truck-loading complex to generate its electric energy from the sun, according to a Berlin manufacturer.
The company, Solon SE, plans to supply 67,500 of its electricity, making modules for the huge roof, giving it output of up to 15 megawatts when the sun is at its brightest. Beside that, the company said that the plant has an energy capacity equivalent to the power needs of 5,000 households.
The Berlin-based group, which had a dismal first quarter with manufacturing practically halted, has seen business pick up and announced three other sales earlier this month.
According to official reports, the construction is scheduled to begin at the Interporto di Padova in September and the photovoltaic modules are to be made in Carmigiano di Brenta in Italy by a subsidiary, Solon S.p.A.