With the plethora of fitness trackers available it was only a matter of time before the big jewelry companies take notice. Crystal king Swarovski not only took notice but has taken their fitness tracker to a greener level with their new Misfit Swarovski Shine.
The Misfit Shine – available in Spring this year – looks like bling, acts like a fitness tracker and is powered by the sun. Using what Misfit calls a patented “energy harvesting crystal” technology the violet-blue version of Swarovski Shine should keep itself charged up whenever it’s exposed to light. The violet color was selected as the best for collecting light energy and the cut itself is designed for maximum light absorption for the solar cells underneath.
Beneath the crystal the device is hard at work. As with most fitness trackers it can track your steps, has automatic sleep tracking and general fitness activity via accelerometer. It will even be waterproof to 50 meters, and tell time via a glowing ring of LEDs, with a simple double-tap on the top of the crystal. Instead of a curved metal surface, there’s a large faceted crystal embedded into the Shine hardware itself.
Swarovski and Misfit set themselves apart by not only combining fashion and gadgetry effectively – the inclusion of the solar cells is truly an innovative (and welcome!) twist. Wearers need not worry about appearing stale either – the Misfit crystal can be removed and added to a number of jewellery designs including pendants and bracelets.
The solar powered violet crystal will be available in the US in June and will cost around $200.
Images: Misfit (c) and CNET (c)