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Sharp's Zero-CO2 Eco House Experiment Ready This Month


Sharp Corporation began the construction of a zero-carbon “eco house” that will be finished by the end of this month. By building this “eco-friendly house,” the company hopes to contribute to a comfortable living environment and to minimize power consumption.

Located in an industrial district in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, the power saving house features sensor-equipped LED lighting, a 9kW photovoltaic power generator, an 8kWh lithium-ion storage battery and energy efficient appliances.

The electricity produced by the PV panels will supply DC (direct current) power straight to DC appliances without conversion to AC (alternating current). Besides this, Sharp is evaluating whether or not a large 180-inch LCD screen can be integrated into the home’s energy-efficient plans.

According to company officials, the Eco House experiment will help Sharp “realize practical applications that cover things like the control of peak electricity and the compatibility of devices and appliances with smart grids.”

[via Sharp/GoodCleanTech]

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