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Revolutionary Solar-to-Hydrogen Fuel Process Developed, but Why Bother?

University of Colorado at Boulder Developing Solar-to-Hydrogen Fuel Process
University of Colorado at Boulder Developing Solar-to-Hydrogen Fuel Process

We know that renewable energy, such as hydrogen fuel cell technology, could be the future of energy and transportation, but if it isn’t economically viable, then why bother?

The answer, of course, is because it is the right thing to do. Researchers have spent decades researching ways to clean up our act with regards to vehicle efficiency, including electrification and even hydrogen fuel cell technology, but actual implementation is always far behind.

Take, for example, the hydrogen fuel cell. Electrolysis to generate hydrogen fuel is a couple hundred years old, and the hydrogen fuel cell is almost as old. Actually, fuel cell technology predates automobile technology by about 80 years, so why aren’t we seeing more widespread use of hydroen fuel cell technology in everything from homes to space stations? Well, the International Space Station does run on solar power. The now-decommissioned Space Shuttle program ran on hydrogen fuel cells, though.

Money makes the world go around. Take, for example, a recent development at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Using a combination of concentrated solar power [CSP], water, and metal oxide catalysts, researchers can generate hydrogen fuel from water, using solar power, much more efficiently than ever before. Of course, since it’s entirely solar powered, there are no carbon dioxide emissions associated with it. Will this technology ever see the light of day? [sorry, pun intended.]

“With the price of natural gas so low, there is no incentive to burn clean energy,” states Professor Alan Weimer, who’s also the executive director of the Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels, “There would have to be a substantial monetary penalty for putting carbon into the atmosphere, or the price of fossil fuels would have to go way up.”

What incentive do we need other than self-preservation?

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  1. Chemonuclear Fusion is a
    type of low energy nuclear fusion that has been shown to produce
    energy in two experiments. Aneutronic nuclear fusion can provide
    unlimited electric power without polluting the environment with
    radioactive waste and greenhouse emissions. Chemonuclear processes in
    small dense white dwarf stars accelerate the rate of nuclear fusion
    and cause them to explode in spectacular supernova explosions.
    mission of the Chemonuclear Fusion Project is to raise awareness of
    this new and vitally important source of environmentally clean energy
    and to promote research and development.
    The Chemonuclear
    Fusion Project is soliciting volunteers to help our crowdfunding and
    educational campaigns. Our crowdfunding webpages will soon be up and
    running. We want people to post to discussion groups and help us get
    the word out that aneutronic chemonuclear fusion might be the
    radiation free way to power the world if we can get the funding to
    build and test reactors.
    Artists can help us design T-shirts,
    mugs, and promotional items to sell and give away to our
    contributors. Writers to write promotional materials and post to web
    forums are also wanted. Video producers and professional and amateur
    scientists who can help the public understand the concepts of
    chemonuclear fusion are encouraged to contact us also.

    Visit our facebook page
    and give us a like. We welcome your comments and questions!

  2. The World’s Oil CEO’s  to lose more then their shirts……
    Doctors now going to SOLAR ENERGY were the MONEY IS as always.
    More Money in solar energy then the Sick and Poor.
    have now formed CAUSE (Californians Against Utilities Stopping solar
    Energy) , what took them so long to come on board GOD Bless them for
    doing so..
    Solar Industry to Skyrocket with the help of Solar Shingles.
    has driven the world for over a thousand years Wind, Hydro and Solar
    are the oldest forms of energy giving power to all smart enough to use
    In the last 200 years Coal, Oil and Nuclear has given energy
    to many worldwide and great power and wealth to only a few. At the cost
    of many lives in coal Mines, Oil Spills, Radiation, Cancer and Polluting
    the Air and Water on all of the Earth.
    Unfortunately for the
    wicked there is not an unlimited amount of oil on earth. Just the same
    as the Forest Trees that clean the air and make Oxygen we breath and all
    living on earth need to Live.  As some in denial are not able to
    recognize or ever see or live with blinders on.
    Doctors now going to SOLAR ENERGY were the MONEY IS as always.
    and Drug  ceo’s have been making millions prescribing drugs to many
    that live near or by High polluted areas. From dirty energy that hurt
    breathing our lungs, water we drink and harm our children and all. That
    we all pay for. When all on earth need is Clean Air and Water, and Clean
    Now common sense would be for all to look for a Clean
    Fuel Source like Wind, Hydro, Geothermal and Solar. Renewable Energy is
    eliminating the need for Dirty Energy Worldwide at a record pace. With
    SOLAR ENERGY Clearly the front runner.
        To the fear of some of the richest people on Earth. They to surprisingly are doing
    something extraordinary investing in Solar Energy. After years of many of them trying to under mine it.
    Fuel that makes energy to ship goods, or make electric for homes and
    manufacturing. Can transform whole nations into prosperity and wealth or
    poverty and economic hardships for most all. Just as taxes on taxpayers
    has done. For over two thousand years. Making slaves of many to the
    wicked and unjust few. History Lesson Roman Empire, Persian Empire now
    OIL Empire oh sorry OPEC.
    The Freedom to get your own Power from
    the Wind and Sun, Solar Energy has been there for years. Are Libraries
    and Schools should have been the first to have gone Solar and Renewable
    Energy. And why are they not? Churches are all over the Planet. They are
    going to Solar Energy.
    Thank GOD for the Pioneers like John
    Schaeffer that Started Real Goods The first and Best catalog for
    Renewable Energy and Dr. Addison Bain one of NASA top Scientist and
    Scientist Bill Young at the FSEC Florida Solar Energy Center and Monica
    D. Key Lindbergh for many years wrote to legislators promoting Solar and
    Renewable Energy and many others.
    These Pioneers helped put
    Wind, Solar And Renewable Energy in the Spotlight for all the World to
    see. One of The Greatest Scientists ever Albert Einstein Started it with
    a Dream that the day would come that all the World would use Solar
    Energy. His many years of work with the law of the “Photoelectric
    Effect”, and showing this to the World won him the Nobel Prize in
    Physics. For the “Photoelectric Effect”
    Free Energy From the SUN in the heavens above.
    We still do not teach this to our young.
    soon Hybrid Vehicles and (EV’s) Electric Vehicles will out number the
    ones that need oil and gas to go. With the ability to recharge them at
    home and work from the sun.
    Tesla Motors with its new Model S
    electric sedan, will be one of many the World will see. Honda, Nissan,
    Audi,VW, BMW and Volvo are just some of the Car Companies putting into
    production Electric Vehicles a EV, and many more are and many are
    building Electric / Hybrid Vehicles. The DeLorean Motor Company has put
    into production 2013 a DMC-EV Electric DeLorean, that will have a body
    and power plant that will last you a life time. Just think you can
    recharge them at home and work free from the sun Solar Energy.
    to own a car that will never rust way and runs on the power from the
    sun that’s the one for me. Very soon most all on earth will be able to
    get energy by recharging from the sun and wind.

  3. Cities that want
    to be Clean clean-cities.org many of them are putting in recharging
    stations in their heart of their downtown of their city all over the
    Planet Earth. Many Thanks mostly to Scientist Bill Young and his team at
    FSEC for their many years of work at this..
    UK now has more Electric charging Stations then gas.
    Bless You Professor Takashi Ohira and your team for the good work they
    are doing. To promote Clean Cities with Clean Transportation that will
    let some drive all day without having to stop to recharge. As Neil
    Armstrong would say one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 
    Just one step closer to the World being powered be the Sun Solar
    Going Solar
    Germany, Denmark, Australia, Sweden,
    Norway, India, Nepal, Tibet, and Israeli clearly a leader in Solar
    companies and Renewable Energy is helping many World Wide and a long
    list of Nations Going Solar. Even Iran with its Archimedes Tower. At its
    Shiraz Solar Power Plant Iran and all the Oil Nations on Earth know the
    World is going to SOLAR Energy.
    Going Geothermal
    Iceland, Philippines, Kenya…..and more then 50 other Countries.
    Wind Energy in use
    More then 75 Countries
    Albert Einstein’s Dream coming true
    The Earth Powered By SOLAR ENERGY.
    GOD Bless
    all that Spot Light and use Solar Energy
    GOD Bless all that have eyes to see and a brain to know that Solar Energy is the way to go.
    There is enough Energy coming from our Sun to power all our needs and then some.
    The Lord’s Little Helper
    Paul Felix Schott
    P.S. Look to on the internet at …… and Photo of
    World’s  Most Leading Authority on HYDROGEN  Scientist Dr. Addison Bain
    and Jr. Scientist in training Monica D. Key Lindbergh at the Florida
    Solar Energy Center. Showcasing Renewable Energy.  In front of Dr.
    Addison Bain’s Ford Crown Victoria. That started out as a Vehicle that
    was used in tests at
    NASA by Dr. Bain. This Vehicle was the first of
    its kind on Earth. Originally it was set up to run as a Bi-fuel System
    to run on either CNG Compressed  Natural Gas or Gasoline. Dr. Addison
    Bain has added Hydrogen to its use. Making this Car still one of a kind
    on Earth. Dr. Addison Bain”s Solar covered roof Makes Hydrogen from the
    water. The Hydrogen is put into tanks and he fills the car up at home.
    Free Fuel from the SUN.
    The first ever home SOLAR / HYDROGEN SYSTEM
    ON EARTH…..Cook, Heat and recharge the Vehicle All Free from the
    SUN.   Scientist Dr. Addison Bain told the World Leaders this many years
    ago and put out a book (” THE FREEDOM ELEMENT Living with Hydrogen”)
    In many cities and more added every day there are more Electric Charging Stations than gas.
    Universities and Scientist around The Planet will help make it to where
    you will be able to drive and recharge as you go down the road, putting
    an end to the need to stop at all.  (Wireless Power Transfer)  over 100
    years ago a Scientist showed this to our GOV they would not listen.
    wick Leaders will not be able to stop the Dream Albert Einstein, Nikola
    Tesla, Addison Bain and many other Scientist have know could be done
    and will be now done World Wide this year 2014. The end for the Large
    need of Oil.

  4. “What incentive do we need other than self-preservation?” honest politicians would be a good start – good luck on that.

    • DougAlder “honest” & “politicians”? Not sure if I’ve ever seen those two words so close to each other in the same sentence!


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