Perhaps to be a little clearer, the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern produces some 120% of its energy needs from renewable energy sources, exporting the rest to other states in the country.
Germany is already known for its outstanding efforts in the expansion of renewable energy. Just do a quick search of our site, and you’ll see references to the ongoing expansion of wind power, solar power, even the shutting down of fossil fuel power plants in the country. By 2050, Germany expects to have all of its power needs met by renewable energy, truly a world leader in adopting clean energy systems.
One state in Germany, however, shines brightest of all, not only in its natural beauty. The state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, just 80 miles north of the capital, Berlin, Germany, is home to more than two thousand lakes, as well as three national parks. Some 1.6 million live in the state, and over 300,000 tourists visit every year, so a coal-fired power plant, I’m guessing, probably would be out of place on such a beautiful skyline. Renewable energy, properly placed and managed, perfectly complements the landscape and provides clean energy for all the residents, and then some.
The wind power industry in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, for example, some 1,600 wind turbines and counting, employs over 4,000 workers. From wind power and solar power alone, the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern now produces 120% of its energy needs, exporting the rest to other states.Rudolf Borchert, energy spokesman for the Social Democratic Party for environmentally-sustainable economic growth, said, “We cover more than 120 percent of our electricity needs from renewable energy and thus are far ahead of all federal states… The main reason for this is the development of wind turbines on land and in photovoltaics.”
We’re looking forward to seeing how the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, as well as the rest of Germany, proves to be a model for other countries to follow, in the adoption of renewable energy sources and the elimination of fossil fuels and even nuclear power.
Photo credit: swetlanahasenjäger