Take a look at emissions in any of the world’s cities, and you find an immediate correlation between population, automobiles, and traffic congestion, not to mention chest congestion!
One of the best ways to, not only reduce emissions, but to avoid and reduce traffic congestion, is to take public transportation. If you want to get a little exercise out of the deal and eliminate emissions, an even better choice is to ride a bicycle. Bicycle-riding is very good exercise, and when combined with dedicated bike lanes, can be a very safe way to travel in the city. They can park almost anywhere, even in your office, and you never have to buy insurance, gasoline, pay parking fees, or worry about speeding tickets. You can, however, get a ticket for running a red light or stop sign on a bicycle, or even for riding a bicycle in a no-cycling zone, so I-287 in New Jersey is out.
Still, in spite of the obvious benefits of riding a bicycle, there are plenty of people who don’t ride, and not because they don’t want to live a carbon-emissions-free lifestyle or because they love being stuck in traffic. Of course, there is the ever-present weather and sweat issue, but the biggest reason that many people don’t ride bikes is because they’re uncomfortable, but they don’t have to be. The problem is that modern bicycles are made in about half-a-dozen sizes, and human beings are made in at least a few dozen sizes, and the most-comfortable bicycle is one that fits you.
If you don’t fit in those half-dozen sizes available, you’re not completely out of luck, but if you’re out of money, you’re going to be uncomfortable. The average custom-made carbon-fiber frame, for example, costs around $12,000, and a steel or aluminum frame, custom-made, will run about $2,500. Brooklyn-based bicycle maker Brooklyness, came up with a “universal bicycle” that is adjustable in all the ways that count, so it can fit the rest of those people that don’t fit the half-dozen mass-produced bike sizes, and the frame costs less than $700.
Brooklyness’ KickStarter campaign has just started, but I can imagine that, in combination with the smartphone sizing app, this is the one bike that bike-sharing programs or emissions– and cost-conscious riders need, something that fits the budget and fits the rider. After all, what good is a bike if you don’t want to ride it?
Image © Brooklyness