Since 2009, Prologis, a leading global provider of industrial real estate, has been installing solar photovoltaic cells on the roofs of their own properties. Now they come up with a project, named Project Amp, that aims to install solar panels on the rooftops of 750 buildings across the US to produce 733MW of clean power.
All of the generated electricity will be distributed to the national power grid. According to Prologis, Project Amp will be the United States’ largest rooftop solar project. The energy produced by these solar rooftops will be approximately the same as that obtained from all the photovoltaics installed in the US in 2010.
As company officials claim, this project is expected to create over 1,000 green jobs. “This unprecedented solar project will not only produce clean, renewable energy to power the grid in states across the country, but it will help us meet the SunShot goal of achieving cost competitive solar power with other forms of energy by the end of the decade,” stated US Energy Secretary Steven Chu.
Project Amp will be ready by the end of 2015 and will cost around $2.6 billion. Th project also consists in the installation of the solar panels on 750 existing rooftops owned and managed by industrial real-estate firm Prologis.
NRG Energy is the lead investor for the first phase of the project, which includes a 15.4-megawatt installation in Southern California. Besides this, other installations will get built in up to 28 states.
The project is expected to generate enough electricity (up to one million megawatt-hours annually) and will be able to power more than 88,000 homes.
[via GreenBang]