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Paris and London will Regulate Vehicle Emissions in Joint Project


The Paris and London mayors announced that they will be using a new system to regulate vehicle emissions. This system will help them improve the air quality in the two cities.

Anne Hidalgo and Sadiq Khan will support the system that will make real-time emissions visible. This way consumers will reach more accurate information about their emission. At an air pollution conference, Hidalgo said:

“We should be able to set up a reliable scoring system which will be put to all our citizens and allow them to know what emissions are coming from which vehicles in reality.”

The system will be based on the road map and each location on the road will have a real testinh to be later analyzed by the International Council for Clean Transportation. Each modelled car will have a score based on its emission.

Meanwhile, the EU only regulates certain pollutants and analyzes them. Khan commented:

“This new scheme will put an end to the ‘smoke and mirrors’ that has been employed and provide Londoners and Parisians with an honest, accurate and independent evaluation of the emissions of vehicles on our road.

Mayor of Seoul, Wonsoon Park, also explained his plans on trying this new system. He said:

Tackling vehicle emissions is a priority if you are to tackle air pollution in your city.”

According to the data that Khan has, 9,000 people die in London every year due to air pollution. The number in Paris for Hidalgo is 2,500 people.

The French media stated that new devices to monitor the air pollution will be mounted in the streets of Paris, as part of the new system.

[via inhabitat]

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