Cold fusion has been a milestone in the discovery of a potentially new unlimited source of energy for almost two decades. Since the scientific community’s first report of it in 1989, by Martin Fleishmann and Stanley Pons, searching for it has been the ultimate dream of researchers spending millions of dollars by making high technology devices, tokamaks and high temperatures recipients.
Researchers are now reporting they found scientific evidence for the existence of low energy nuclear reactions (LENR). LENR is the same with “cold fusion”, by the way. Their report injects new life into this controversial “free energy” field, and will be presented at the American Chemical Society’s 237th National Meeting. It is among 30 papers on the topic that will be presented during a four-day symposium, “New Energy Technology,” March 22-25, in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the first description of cold fusion.
Until now, it has been believed that cold fusion can only be achieved in very complex nuclear reactors able to work at temperatures of tens of millions of degrees Fahrenheit. However, the scientists that originally described the phenomena, said it could be obtained at room temperatures – a simple device called “electrolytic cell”, yet no one could repeat their claimed experiment, that produced electricity from an abundant fuel, deuterium (aka “heavy water”), and that could be extracted from seawater.
“Our finding is very significant,” says study co-author and analytical chemist Pamela Mosier-Boss, Ph.D., of the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) in San Diego, Calif. “To our knowledge, this is the first scientific report of the production of highly energetic neutrons from an LENR device.”
In the new approach towards cold fusion, the scientists inserted an electrode made of nickel or gold into a palladium chloride solution, mixed with deuterium in a process called co-deposition. One deuterium atom contains one neutron and one proton in its nucleus.
The second phase of their experiment was the passing of an electric current through the solution, causing a reaction. The cold fusion was proven by using a specially-designed plastic material, CR-39, that witnessed the production of high-energy particles that may have been emitted during the reactions, including any neutrons emitted during the fusion of deuterium atoms.
In the end of their experiment, the scientists examined the plastic with a microscope and found out patterns of “triple tracks”. Triple tracks are tiny clusters of adjacent pits that appear to split apart from a single point. They said that the track marks were traced by subatomic particles that had been released when the neutrons hit the plastic. Mossier-Boss and her colleagues believe that the neutrons originated in nuclear reactions, perhaps from the combining of the deuterium nuclei.
Finding the neutrons has been a fundamental step in proving you have a nuclear fusion going on: “People have always asked ‘Where’s the neutrons? If you have fusion going on, then you have to have neutrons. We now have evidence that there are neutrons present in these LENR reactions”, said Mosier-Boss.
Other evidence of nuclear reactions from this room-temperature experiment is proven by the detection of X-rays, tritium, and excess heat. Mossier-Boss and her colleagues are continuing to explore the LENR phenomenon and understand how it exactly works, and to find out how it can be put into practical applications.
So … cold fusion. Plausible or defying the laws of physics (which is what people have been saying since the 50s)?
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There is an typo in the article:”Until now, is has been believed that cold fusion can only be achieved in a very complex nuclear reactors able to work at temperatures of tens of millions of degrees Fahrenheit.”
should be
“Until now, is has been believed that fusion can only be achieved in a very complex nuclear reactors able to work at temperatures of tens of millions of degrees Fahrenheit.”
Thanks for noticing. I corrected the typo(s).