The rebirth of the electric vehicle, led by the Tesla Model S and the Nissan Leaf, has seen electric vehicle sales numbers in the triple-digit-percentages over previous years.
For example, Nissan Leaf is the best-selling electric vehicle in the world, in a field of electric vehicles from a number of other automakers. Closer to home, in the United States,electric vehicle sales by August had already surpassed 500% over sales in 2012. Nissan Leaf, for example, experienced sales 230% better.
Texas, in spite of it being an oil state, and Tesla Motors‘ problems trying to sell directly to Texans, is electric-vehicle friendly. October 1, 2013, for example, started a Nissan Leaf “No Charge to Charge” program. Buyers of new Nissan Leaf, between October 1, 2013, and March 31, 2014, can charge their cars for free for a year on the expanding eVgo charging stations network.
According to one Houston, Texas, Nissan dealership, sales of the Nissan Leaf have tripled since October 1! Of course, Nissan was already showing boosted sales before this, but the incentives apparently work well enough to get electric vehicles off the lot. Of course, once the year of free charging runs out, Nissan Leaf owners will have to pay. For $39.95 per month, for example, you can get an unlimited charging plan. It’s a far cry from “free,” but what other vehicle can you refuel for $40/mo and still drive?
Photo credit: RudolfSimon / Foter / CC BY