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The New York Taxi Fleet to Increase with 300 Hybrids per Month


New York authorities hurry to increase the city fleet taxis with a rate of 300 new hybrid cars per month, announced mayor Michael Bloomberg. Currently, there are already over 1,300 hybrid taxis in the city, each making a saving of $ 6,500 per year.

Bloomberg intends to complete 127 of green initiatives to the end if his mandate, in 2010. In December, the Commission for Taxis and Limousines from New York voted that until 1 October this year all the cars added to the Taxi city fleet to be hybrid. The only exception applies to taxis for people with disabilities.

Nissan Motor Corp. promised to provide over 200 Altima hybrid per month, General Motors will provide 50 cars Chevrolet Malibu and Ford Motor Corp. has promised 50 Escape hybrid, said Bloomberg.

New York is not the the only city that uses hybrid taxis. San Francisco has, too, Escape taxis from Ford since 2005, and the same goes with Chicago.

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