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“New Box”: Smart Pizza Box Makes Enjoying Pizza a Piece of Cake


GreenBoxNY-full Sugar works in an office that is prone to bouts of pizza parties. Unfortunately, she’s the only female on her team and loses out on the fun. Sugar, like her name suggests, is a sweet young lady who loves to eat pizza but wants to do so daintily – on a plate.

But by the time she gets back from the pantry with one, the pizza is already gone, no thanks to the messy eating guys in her work group.

Sugar will soon be able to partake of this savory treat with her team soon thanks to an invention by Ecovention LLC, called the GreenBox.  So called the Pizza Box of the 21st Century, it solves the problems we have with conventional pizza boxes. These big boxes are great for carrying a freshly baked pizza, but are a pain to deal with after. They eat up space, either in the refrigerator with the last slice or in the regular-sized garbage can that they eventually end up in.

On the surface, the GreenBox looks just like an ordinary pizza box. It’s square, relatively flat and made of corrugated cardboard. In fact, it also works like a regular pizza box – it’s easy to collapse and easy to assemble. Snap the top into place and the side flaps of the box overlap, ensuring that the pizza stays fresh on its way to your place, even if it’s delayed by traffic.

GreenBoxNYBut that is where the similarity ends. In the unlikely event of that you have leftover pizza, you can use fold the bottom into a half-sized pizza box. At half the size, it takes up half the space in your refrigerator or trash bin. The top, on the other hand, breaks up into serving plates, so that you don’t have to get down and sloppy while handling your slice or two.

It’s a brilliant idea according to a Business Insider poll. Sugar also thinks so, because finally she could have her pizza and eat it too.

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