It looks like the Japanese aren’t going to stay behind the English with daylight saving (or vice-versa), and launch a campaign that encourages people to change their wake-up and sleep time one hour earlier to save lots of tons of emitted carbon dioxide.
The campaign has been named The Morning Challenge, and has been started by the Environment Ministry. It states that a typical Japanese family could save up to 85 kg of carbon dioxide a year by implementing it and going to bed an hour earlier.
That is the equivalent of 20% the annual emissions from househould lights. “Many Japanese people waste electric power at night time, for example by watching TV until very late,” a ministry spokesperson told The Daily Telegraph. “But going to bed early and getting up early can avoid wasting electrical power which causes carbon dioxide emissions. If people change their lifestyle, we can save energy and reduce emissions.”
The campaign also suggests people to improve their lifestyles by running, doing yoga and eating a nutritious breakfast by taking advantage of the extra morning hour.
The Japanese ministry is not on his first attempt to change the people’s habits in order to save energy: five years ago, in a campaign called Cool Biz, he suggested workers should wear short-sleeved shirts and offices not to turn air conditioning lower than 28 degrees during summer (that’s really hot!)
I don’t know if it will work or not, but I’d rather find this idea more genuine that the English one, because they focus on the actual benefits without changing the time. But, as everybody knows, the Japanese are more conscious and self-disciplined than the rest of the world, and the idea will probably catch. After all, sunrises are pretty cool (see the pic above).