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Model Y Officially Joins Tesla Family


Tesla’s Model Y is the latest member of the family of supers. It is the second mass-market vehicle, which is long-range, affordable and aims to reach wider audience.

During a massive event in Los Angeles earlier this month, the giant in electric vehicle manufacturing, Tesla, revealed their newest car. Tesla Model Y is here.

Model Y will come in two versions. The first one, slightly more expensive, is the long-range vehicle. Its range will be 300 miles (482 km), for a reasonable price of just under $50,000 ( ~45,000 euros). The first happy owners can expect deliveries as early as January, 2020. A year later, Tesla is planning to release a cheaper version, with slightly lower range of about 230 miles. The price tag for this would be just under $40,000 (~35,000 euros), and it is expected in 2021.

This is the second attempt of the company to reach the general public. The previous affordable Tesla Model 3 offered a range of 220 miles, and it was about 10% smaller that the Model Y. Unfortunately, due to various production issues, and changes in pricing, Model 3 never became as popular as everyone was hoping for.

So, would the new Model Y be the Tesla vehicle everyone owns? Maybe. Tesla has made a name for being a high-end vehicle supplier, and it might take a while before the company can penetrate the mass market. Electric vehicles are still considered way too expensive for the Average Joe, and this is especially the case when it comes to Tesla’s vehicles.

Last year was one of the most challenging for the chief executive Elon Musk. Social media can make or break you, and Musk was the best example of this. Posting a Tweet, which mentioned that he will make Tesla private, got him into a huge trouble with the Securities and Exchange Commission. He was taken to court, and had to face a defamation claim. Everything because of a Tweet.

Also last year, Tesla had to release more than 3000 employees, and even considered shutting down some of their stores. Pricing of the vehicles had to be reconsidered drastically, as sales were just not happening.

It seems now the company is out of the storm. The hopes for a great success of the Model Y are there. One thing is certain, Musk will not come down without a fight. He will always come back stronger and with a bang. It will be exciting to see Model Y’s around. I am sure they will be special.

Image (c) AFP

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