To mark World Recycling Day in Spain, CUACS Arquitectura unveiled a quite remarkable pavilion built using 45,000 milk cartons. In conjunction with RESUR, a waste recycling firm, the Grenada government started the project in 2011.
Using tetra briks collected from about 100 colleges in Granada and recycling them, the project, once finished, won the Guinness World Record for the biggest major construction made out of recycled materials.
By converting the tetra milk cartons into LEGO-like building materials, and clamping them together angled at 135 degrees to each other, the designers managed to build the huge pavilion from 45,000 of the milk cartons, helping to increase awareness on recycling.
The pavilion’s dimensions were 30×15×7 meters, and consisted of two separate parts; the wall or latticed base, and a tower, which is a column linking two base walls. After finishing construction in a record couple of weeks, the complex was taken to be recycled itself, after all have gaped in awe at its magnificence!