Did you know that Israel has 90% of the population heating their water from the sun? This has happened because of the 1950 energy crisis, fact that led them into buying solar water heaters. In 1983, about 60% of the Israelis had solar water heating.
Proof: If you search Google Earth and you point towards Israel, you’ll find Panoramio pictures showing all the buildings having something on them that just doesn’t seem usual. Well, those are their water heaters.
In 2005, Spain became the second country (after Israel) to require solar water heaters. It also became the first country to require the installation of solar cells for electricity generation in new buildings. In fact, solar power can successfully be used in countries with a warm/temperate climate, such as the mediteranean countries.
Solar heating can also be used in winter to heat your house. The temperature outside is low, indeed, but the Sun’s energy can slowly be captured and transformed into valuable heat, as shown in an earlier article (one I wrote in winter, of course).
via enn