Indian Prime Minister, Sri Narendra Modi, has inaugurated India’s second green airport in Vadodara last Saturday. The first one was unveiled in Kochi last year.
Mr Modi said, “Connectivity is becoming very important in this century,”. He added, “Happy that 2 airports in India have joined the green movement,”. “The first(one) was in Kochi and the second such airport is being dedicated to the nation at Vadodara.
This airport will be zero discharge, waste to wealth, energy saving and environment-friendly,”. He mentioned that the airport was constructed on the principle of green infrastructure using bricks of fly ash.
The new terminal, which is spread in an area of 17,500 sqm, has been built at the cost of $24 million. Modi said, “It will be considered as one of the top-class airports of the country,”. He also said that such projects would encourage people to take up environment-friendly constructions.