Pay attention the next time you are on the road and then think how much sense a single seater electric vehicle like the IMA Colibri would make. It’s a short range electric vehicle, unique, and could be available as soon as 2015.
The reason I mentioned looking at our roads today is because we don’t fill up our cars when we take them for a drive. Most of the time, it’s just the driver, and think about the wasted space and fuel spent getting one person around! The IMA Colibri, which translates hummingbird, is a new concept vehicle in the ultracompact electric vehicle segment.
The IMA Colibri seats just one person, the driver, and a little bit of cargo, and starts under 10,000€, or $13,000. The single seater electric vehicle has a top speed of 74mph and a range just under 70mi, which keeps it in town, but can be equipped with extras like air conditioning and tablet interface, something like the Tesla Model S.
IMA is expecting to be able to sell some 17,000 Colibri each year starting with a late 2014 delivery date. There’s still a little bit of work to do, perfecting the electronics and such, but for under $13,000, it’s a pretty nice looking ride.
It runs on coal and oil, since only 6% of electricity comes from renewables. Cars run faster and brake quicker with a lighter weight petrol vehicle. Who wants all the toxic waste of battery cars?