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How to Make Your Office Greener and Cut Energy Bills


green-office-557x362The financial crisis, which began in 2008 and is still picking up speed in many countries around the world, clearly affects the small businesses. It is ironic that  especially these are in the core force behind a strong economy introducing job opportunities and innovative products.

Currently, the success of a small business depends mainly on access to credit and depository institutions, simply because the market is tight but the bills, and especially the energy ones, keep increasing.

So, we at The Green Optimistic, decided to help all these small business owners, who are wondering how to save big on energy costs, while still protecting and helping the environment.

Here are our tips to creating the ultimate green office!

1. Lighting System

The free and simple ways to cut down cost from lighting might sound obvious, but they can make quite a contribution to the savings on energy bills.

  • Use all “free” light by opening the curtains.
  • Turn off lights when the rooms are empty.
  • Do not over-light the place. It is not only to save money, but also to protect the eyes and minimize headaches amongst your workers.

Now, there are also a few suggestions, which require some investment, but they are definitely worth perusing:

  • Replace standard light bulbs with energy saving ones.
  • Replace old lighting fixtures.
  • Install sensors in bathrooms and conference rooms, which can turn off the lights automatically when unused.
  • Install photocells to control outdoor lighting.

2.  Temperature Controls


  • Open all curtains and blinds when the sunshine faces the windows.
  • Use fans in winter. These pull warmer air down from the ceilings.
  • Don’t forget to turn down the thermostat when the work day is over.


  • Block direct sunlight by using solar screens or blinds.
  • Use fans instead of air conditioning.
  • Close all doors and windows when the air conditioning system is on.

3. The plug-ins

  • Instead of using screen savers, put the computers to ‘sleep’ or just turn off the monitors.
  • Unplug all electronic equipment at the end of the working day, including the laptops.
  • Same goes for battery chargers. They continue drawing electricity even if they are not in use.
  • Check the Energy Start Qualified Products. The more of them you can use, the more energy you will save.

Happy Energy Saving!

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