Living in a sustainable way is one of our generation’s biggest challenges. Nowadays, most people living in major cities have to spend a lot of money on food with high levels of pesticides on their daily diets. Moreover, most of the electric systems are still powered by non-renewable energy sources.

To generate an alternative to this reality Francis Gendron has developed the “Greenhouse of the Future”. This french activist is the first student to graduate from the Earthship Academy. You have probably heard about its director, Michael Reynolds the “Garbage Warrior“. Following Reynolds vision, Francis has developed a complete guide (documentary + ebook +plans) where he explains how to create it. Check the trailer!
Greenhouse main features
The main idea of this sustainable low-cost building is to have a place where you can grow your own food and don’t waste valuable resources. This guide shows how to create an off-grid passive solar greenhouse which operates without any heating systems. It is built from free recycled tires and natural materials.
The greenhouse is half-buried for better isolation
Tires are used as walls, filled with a mixture of dirt, water and organic material.
Classic greenhouse polycarbonate plates are placed facing south, to make the most of the hours of sunshine (northern hemisphere).
Water is supplied by an effective rainwater collection system. The liquid is stored in barrels inside the installation also helping on the temperature regulation.
The rest of the design is made from recycled elements
Check the design and functioning principle:
For more information about the project, you can go to the official website.