Several German automakers have reached an agreement towards the future standard for EV charging. Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and Volkswagen all agreed on HomePlug’s Green PHY charging technology, which is able to send data over high voltage cables, simplifying the circuitry.
The HomePlug Power Alliance announced that the HomePlug IEEE 1901 Profile Green PHY (GP) standard has been finalized a year ago and besides its data capabilities, it also supports Smart Grid integration, something which is essential for any electric car to have in the future.
In a Smart Grid infrastructure, you’ll be able to use your EV to store cheap electricity produced at night and resell it at peak times, at subsidized feed-in tariffs.
The HomePlug Powerline Alliance describes the system as a “a low-power, highly reliable and cost-optimized power-line networking specification” that helps connect different “applications such as as appliances, smart meters, climate control, and plug-in electric hybrid vehicles” by using the existing electric wiring.
In HomePlug‘s vision, you’ll be able to access the car’s charger through your web browser from anywhere on the internet, because it will have a compatible IP connection to your home network.