Home Exotic Energy Gravity

The Green Ushers’ Gravity-Powered Machine Promises Pollution-Free Electricity


Gravity holds us all on Earth. It is a force that’s still being misunderstood for some reason, a phenomenon whose true explanations lie in quantum physics not yet discovered by mankind. Some say it could even be harvested for energy, since some hundred years ago, but nobody truly succeeded to popularize such a device.

Some guys from India called “The Green Ushers” have seemingly done it. They used the force of gravity to produce usable electricity and, as they claim, even patented the thing (in India).

The machine is quite big, but they say it’s able to outperform solar panels or wind turbines in efficiency. However, unlike those inventions claiming working overunity devices, this one claims only a part of the energy being powered by gravity. Despite that, they also claim no emissions from the machine, which, to me, says it must be co-powered by hydrogen…

Here’s what they say:

It is 100% Green, standalone, highly scalable, highly potent, universally viable & feasible, infinite, renewable, reusable, relocatable, and free from any variable climatic and/or socioeconomic dependency, gives maximum yield against the area required for setup, and have long service life with a capacity factor of more than 99% and can consequently achieve grid parity instantaneously.

The site also says “the countdown had begun,” which may mean that they’re ready to produce and ship such gear.

Look at the video below and judge for yourself:

Hat tip to Victor for the news.

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  1. Thank you for the Hat tip 🙂
    I am a gr8 fan of you people for your work on the chapter of Green Techs. For anything regarding this – I’m just a mail away.


  2. Nice !!
    I must say you people have got great resources !!
    This project was patented back in 2000 from Government of India Patent office.
    And it is not co-powered by Hydrogen or anything at all, there is no Rankine cycle and zero fuel requirement for operations.
    It is better than Solar or any other technology because; the researchs are going on since 1980 and in the past ten years we have built 7 prototypes, and while PILOT was conducted we observed; its wastage and wear & tear is very low (well below USD 10,000 per MW per year), zero operational rest, annual maintenance in under 72 hours with regular staff, no heat, no water, no fuel, Capacity factor is more than 99%, is standalone, capable of base loading, sustain instant power surges, and lot more benefits like being able to operate in all weather conditions without any modification, capable to be modified for being operational under hermetic enclosures and the size for 1 MW RC Gravity Engine is just 16 Mts X 20 Mts (maximum area required including civil constructions whatsoever).
    Kindly send me your email ID so that I can send you some pictures of the previous prototypes and the current model as well including excerpt of the Patent Certificate.


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