At the 2013 Consumer Electronics Association conference, Goal Zero unveiled its next generation generator, the Yeti 150. In 2012, the Yeti 1250, an off-grid-solar-powered generator, was first introduced. This year, Goal Zero unveiled the Yeti 150 which uses a 15W Boulder 15 Solar Panel that charges the 150 watt-hour battery. This can provide power to anything from laptops to cell phone chargers to lights.
15 hours of sunlight is required to charge the battery fully – meaning nearly two days of full sunlight is required to charge the battery. This may seem like a stretch – but this is a fair tradeoff between no power and some.
Joe Atkin, the President and CEO of Utah-based Goal Zero says all company products are designed with security as a priority. Charged phones, working lights, solar generators, and even running refrigerators mean better safety and security for people.
To prove the point, Goal Zero used victims of Superstorm Sandy to test their products. Since victims needed power for cell phone chargers, generators, and working lights, among many other devices, the company used the Yeti 1250 to provide backup power during the emergency situation. People lacked food, supplies, and basic communication devices to coordinate and contact loved ones, and the Yeti 1250 was able to provide all of these to those affected by the superstorm.
Goal Zero plans to release the even more efficient Yeti 150 later in 2013 and the generator will cost approximately $400.