Germans tend to have an incredibly green culture, and this includes their vacations. A guidebook that details 200 green projects around the country sold out its very first printing.
The Holtriem wind farm in Lower Saxony is a very popular destination . When it was built, it was the largest in Europe and has a total capacity of 90 megawatts. Tourists love the observation platform around one of the wind turbines. If they don’t mind the 297 stair climb to the top, they can even get an amazing view of the North Sea and the East Frisian islands.
A quaint German village called Juehnde is also a popular tourist destination in Lower Saxony. It’s the first German village that reached full energy self-sufficiency and manages to produce more than twice the energy the town needs.
The Reichstag building in Berlin is also very popular, with its tower of mirror-powered illumination, solar panels, and geothermal energy.
Germans are known for making German pride part of their vacations. Visiting nuclear power plans, solar arrays, and wind farms is pretty different from Disney World. And pretty awesome.