A Canadian couple has constructed not just an off-the-grid home, but an entire floating, off-the-grid island in Tofino, British Columbia.
Called “Freedom Cove”, the island even includes a greenhouse, a lighthouse and a dance studio. Wayne Adams and Catherine King began construction all the way back in 1992, and did most of the work themselves. They now live in the house full time and also raised their two children there.
The island, comprised of twelve connecting platforms, receives electricity by way of photovoltaics. Water is supplied by rain as well as a nearby waterfall. The structure’s energy efficiency, along with a design that is both unusual and beautiful make this abode an environmentalist’s dream. Lush greenery is visible even in aerial photographs, but the gardens are more incredible still when seen up close.
Wayne and Catherine are both artists. Wayne is a sculptor and Catherine is a retired ballerina and carver. The two support themselves by selling artwork in nearby shops and sell fruits and vegetables grown in their greenhouse, the “floating food garden”. They are also avid fishers.
Originally, the couple raised chickens as well, but found that predators made it impossible for them to make the project profitable. They also reportedly had to battle a 30-pound rat that was damaging the foundation.
Images (c) Freedom Cove