Five of the world’s greatest energy and technology giants have teamed up to construct a demonstration power plant, which will host the first ever superficial carbon dioxide turbine. The technology is part of a unique carbon dioxide power cycle, which is a true revelation in the field of carbon capture. The design and development of the turbine are courtesy of Toshiba, while the system is invented by 8 Rivers Capital.
Carbon capture technologies have been making it to the headlines quite regularly ever since the latest IPCC report was released. The conclusions clearly stated that removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is the best bet society has if we all want to prevent devastating increase in temperatures.
Some tech and energy giants, scientists and engineers have been competing continuously to develop and install various expensive systems, geo-engineering technologies and complicated instruments that can allow capturing of the greenhouse gas at the source. Others focused on the next step, or the storage and utilization of the gas once it is captured.
But while some are trying, others are succeeding. The winning collaboration between Toshiba, 8 Rivers Capital, Net Power LLC, CB&I and Exelon Corporation resulted in the development of the first ever superficial CO2 turbine, which is part of a larger CO2 power cycle.
Electricity is produced using CO2, which is captured by the unique turbine. Unlike any existing gas turbines, this one is designed to handle high pressure, high temperature gas, thanks to a specially developed by Toshiba material and a unique cooling technology. The whole system, invented by 8 Rivers Capital, does not require any additional and fancy carbon capture technologies, because it is designed to collect CO2 directly. This ultimately means that the operational cost, and therefore the price of the electricity, will not increase.
The turbine will be placed in a 25 MW gross thermal power plant in Texas, currently under construction, and will serve as a demo plant. If everything works as planed, and all tests are completed successfully, the dream team will invest in expansion of the demo plant to a full-scale commercial 295MWe plant.
The technology will be promoted by all parties as of this year around the world, with a particular interest on the US and the Middle East.
Image (c) Business Wire
“Superficial” is different from “supercritical”.