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A Ferrofluid-Based Free Energy Device You Should Experiment


Someone got my attention these days with a device supposed to produce energy by using ferrofluids. He called this device “Continuous Friction Motion Machine,” and the energy generated would be dead cheap.

As many of you know, ferrofluids are liquids – an extremely fine powder, coated with a soap-like material called a surfactant, suspended in a mineral oil liquid base. This means that if you place them in a magnetic field, they’ll move towards the magnet. Theoretically, it looks that from this idea to harvesting the energy of magnets there’s only one step left.

What we need for the experiment: two magnets shaped like in the picture, two tubes thin enough to generate capillary action for the ferrofluid and of course, a ferrofluid. The setup should look something like in the picture above.

The basic idea is that, by using capillary action we could move a ferrofluid between those two walls through capillarity, and at the end of the thin tube thus created we should exert a magnetic force, that will get the ferrofluid attracted to the second magnet, where it would move downwards, towards the second capillary tube.

The invention’s author says that by generating mechanical work and thermal energy through friction we could virtually produce free energy, or at least something we could call “free,” from the magnets’ own fields.

Now, I can’t realize if the ferrofluid drops would get stuck at the part where they’ll get attracted to the first magnet again (the right magnet is the one I call “first”), and if the Earth’s gravity won’t affect the free flow of those drops upwards, but it’s definitely an experiment worth trying.

Many have tried all sorts of experiments using magnets, and many claim they succeeded getting usable energy out of such systems. The seem to have disappeared one by one from the public attention, some of them claiming they got harassed by oil companies, and others saying that they had been wrong at the time they invented their device, and again, no word from them.

If any of you want to try the setup above, you can find the original website here. Or you can follow the self-explanatory schematic above. I am expecting a ton of comments on the above contraption, not all of them agreeing with it, but it will be fun and instructive hearing the people’s opinions.

Here’s how you can make your own ferrofluid from a printer toner and vegetable oil:

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  1. Thank you Mr. Sandru for posting this idea here.

    Steve C : “why is there no working model?”

    There is. I put a painfully detailed video on you tube showing the making and running of this device.


    The purpose of the video is so that anyone can replicate what I did; anyone can build the same thing I did.

    If you want to get to where the ferrofluids move through the capillary, please fast forward to end of the second video:

    Second video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_I2qOVFVwo&feature=related

    And if you just want to see where the ferrofluid drips at the end of the capillaries, please see:




    Steve C: “The viscosity will just increase in the fluid and prevent any motion from capillary action until the field is removed.”

    The ferrofluid does move into the capillary and to the end of the capillary, and this can be seen at the end of the second video.

    The ferrofluid moves through the capillary due to capillary action, but also there are lines of magnetic flux running though this same space, and ferrofluids “like” to line up along lines of flux.

    Steve C: “a ferromagnetic liquid turns semi-solid in a magnetic field”

    It’s my understanding that a magnetorheological fluid is subject to particle sedimentation while a ferrofluid is not. These two “smart fluids” are essentially the same thing with their difference being in the size of the particles. The size difference is important however, in that in a ferrofluid the particles are nanoparticles and therefore subject to Brownian motion and so do not settle under normal conditions.


    (Hopefully there information in these two links is still correct.)

    Mr. Sandru: “thin tube”

    I tried this design with different types of capillaries:

    1. Straw within a straw
    2. Two glass plates
    3. A sponge cut down to the size of a straw
    4. A rolled up paper towel the size of a straw

    I found that the first two didn’t work, but the latter two did. In all four capillary action worked. The ferrofluid was drawn into the capillary and to the end. But the fluid did not spike out beyond in the first two, while the ferrofluid did spike out beyond in the second two.

    My guess is that in the latter two there was a greater mass of ferrofluid in the capillaries, and so a greater amount of magnetic flux channeled through this space, and this is what led to the spiking here, while not in the others.

    Mr. Sandru: “the Earth’s gravity”

    This design does not involve gravity. The drawing is a top down view.

    Mr. Sandru “The seem to have disappeared one by one from the public attention, some of them claiming they got harassed by oil companies, and others saying that they had been wrong at the time they invented their device, and again, no word from them.”

    Yeah, I’ve noticed this too. No conspiracies trying to suppress my idea. And I’m still here.

    Thank you both, Mr. Sandru and Steve C, for considering my device.

  2. yet another perpetual motion machine that will never “generate” energy much less even cycle around they way the site says it will.

    First clue, a ferromagnetic liquid turns semi-solid in a magnetic field and will not flow in a capillary tube ‘away’ from the magnetic source. Capillary action is a weak force, and magnetism is a strong enough force to lift tons. The viscosity will just increase in the fluid and prevent any motion from capillary action until the field is removed. If you used an alternating field tuned to a specific frequency you might be able to induce some motion, but that requires energy, not produces it. A total net loss of energy.

    Next clue, since the “design” is so simple, and uses materials you could produce out of your desk at work, why is there no working model? Just drawings? Come on. If its that simple to do it would be done already and you could be playing with it right now.

    • Steve C just thinking about this now nearly 9 years later in lockdown. I was wondering if it would be possible to syphon ferrofluid up through a tube, from a large reservoir of the stuff, using a magnet placed near the top end of the tube. If a magnet could pull the fluid out of the top just enough for it to drop into a higher reservoir, then the ferrofluid itself could be used to power a hydroelectric generator and afterwards flow back to the lower reservoir. Do you think that would be possible?


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