EV parking spaces in New York are an important spot that has to be touched in order to promote the usage of clean motoring in the city and the state, Bloomberg thinks.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been pushing for changes to make the city greener and its citizens healthier, both of which are really saying the same thing. In an address this past week, he’s building on his past successes regarding indoor public smoking and high-salt-content foods, is setting his sights on styrofoam and electric vehicles.
Polystyrene, marketed as Styrofoam, lasts for centuries before breaking down into, well, smaller pieces of polystyrene. Unfortunately, there are tons of this lightweight non-biodegradable stuff already in the system. A city-wide ban on styrofoam packing and take-out containers will make a real impact.
In another part of the speech, Bloomberg announced plans to make the city more electric-vehicle friendly. Infrastructure is sorely lacking in most parts of the country, especially outside the city. Where electric vehicles make the most sense, though, is right on the crowded streets of the city. Still, limited access to charging stations makes electric vehicles a poor prospect for some.
Like some other cities around the world, Bloomberg’s plan includes adding and making available the infrastructure to support electric vehicles. To that end, he wants 10,000 EV parking spaces, coded and equipped for recharging, for electric vehicles, and available to the public. By the end of the decade, this could “make New York City a national leader in electric vehicles,” said Mayor Bloomberg.