According to a new study made by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Europe will exceed its target to generate 20% of its energy from renewable sources until 2020.
The analysis, which assessed all forms of renewable energy, found that while 13 of the 27 European Union (EU) countries are going to meet their targets for renewable energy capacity, 8 are set to exceed it and the remaining 6 are expected to fall short.
Currently Italy, Denmark, Bulgaria, Malta, Luxembourg and Belgium are not on track to achieve their renewable targets by 2020. “Europe has witnessed a sea-change since the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive was agreed, as in 2008 many countries were stating that their target would be difficult to meet – now the majority are forecasting that they will meet or exceed their national target,” said Justin Wilkes, policy director of EWEA.
According to the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive all states must specify how they will meet their targets by submitting a National Action Plan to the European Commission by June 2010.
Germany and Spain are set to top the European league tables for renewable energy. Germany expects to be 0.7 percentage points above its 18 percent target and the Spanish government claims it is on track to produce 22.7 per cent of its energy from renewable energy sources by 2020, being almost 3% above its 20 per cent target.
At the end of the list is Italy which now foresees importing renewables from other non-EU countries such as Tunisia, Croatia, Serbia and Albania in order to meet its target.
[Source: BusinessGreen]