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EU Prepares Massive Investments in Renewable Energy


According to an analysis made by Reuters, the wind turbines will rapidly expand in Europe’s coastal waters, bringing new opportunities and challenges for the industry.

Thus, the wind power capacity will increase by 30% in Germany, 130% in Ireland, 230% in Italy and 74% in Spain. The solar energy sector will also increase, reaching up to 10,000 megawatts in Germany, 2.300 MW in Ireland, 1.000 MW in Italy and 3.000 MW in Spain.

“For offshore wind energy we will need significant investments in infrastructure,” said Justin Wilkes, director of policy at the European Wind Energy Association.

According to the International Energy Agency, global investments in renewable energy should reach 239 billion dollars by 2030. The current level of investment is about half of that amount.

The document also reveals major investments in biomass. Bulgaria plans to reach a power capacity of 433 megawatts of biomass, while Poland hopes to reach 1425 megawatts.

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