If you are a resident of an EU country and you have been dreaming of buying one of those vacuum cleaners that can suck everything from any corner of your house, then be quick. EU has introduced new regulations that ban powerful vacuum cleaners from the market.
As of next month, manufacturers of vacuum cleaners with wattage higher than 1,600 will no longer be able to sell their products on the European market. In addition, by 2017 it is expected that this benchmark will drop even further down to 900 watts. EU claims that the measure is introduced in order to minimize energy consumption and push manufacturers to develop more environmentally friendly models.
Each vacuum cleaner will have to have a label that indicates scores given to each machine based on its cleaning performance, energy use and dust emissions. It is still questionable whether the values that the makers give themselves will be verified by an independent party or not.
Some statistics. According to a British consumer group Which?, the average cleaner that is preferred by the users has a motor of 1,800 watts. In addition, in the past few years, awards for Best Buy have been to seven brands, five of which exceed 1,600 watts.
The news met a huge opposition from manufacturers, as expected, with one of the most popular makers, Dyson, whose motors powered an entire electric car race, seeking a judicial review of the ban. Many argue that less powerful cleaners will not reduce energy consumption, simply because they will be used longer in order to achieve the same results. In addition, other aspects of the machines besides the size of the motors will influence the scoring, and might result in low ranking of better performing cleaners.
According to the spokeswoman of the European Commission, however, the new legislation will stimulate the manufacturing of new and improved eco-designs. The greatest benefit from the labelling will be to consumers, who will no longer be tricked into buying energy-consuming poorly performing machines.
Image (c) Dyson