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French Wind Turbine Produces Water From Atmospheric Humidity


French company Eole Water has developed and is in the process of marketing an amazing invention- a modified wind turbine that has the capacity to produce fresh water for human consumption. This, states Eole Water, is a boon to remote communities challenged by the lack of fresh drinking water.

The new product, named WMS1000, has a remarkable daily capacity to generate up to 1000 liters of clean fresh water in humid climates. Furthermore, the high-tech turbines are also easy to use and maintain.

But how do they work? Eole Water says that these new turbines utilize a harmonious combination of two technologies: traditional electricity generation using wind’s driving force to turn turbines, and compressors like those commonly used in conventional dehumidifiers and refrigerators. Once air is pulled into the WMS1000 it is cooled and compressed, causing a moisture condensation process to take place and make clean water that can be fetched for domestic use.

These new wind turbines generate electricity much the same way as the conventional wind generators. Some of that power is then very economically used to run the built-in compressor which then produces water and causes it to drip down into the tower’s base. Here, water is collected, filtered and delivered for consumption. A collecting tank would be a necessity for buyers so as to facilitate storage during peak times.

Eole Water turbines also come with built-in front filters that keep off dust and contaminant particles. Another benefit is the easy maintenance practices of lowering and raising them back into place as desired during routine checks. Moreover, any one of these products could supply all the water needs for a town with a population of 2000 to 3000 depending on location and aridity.

There is one major setback that comes with the new WMS1000 turbines; they are highly priced. A unit goes for close to $250,000. Eole Water hopes that these prices will decrease with time as more products will be manufactured.

[via phys.org]

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